WRC Collaborates with Gibobs - Who have several years experience working as Financial Intermediaries
What are you waiting for to be happy with your mortgage?
Gibobs have several years experience working Financial Intermediaries!
At gibobs, they want to make it easy for you when finding a mortgage made to fit your needs with the best market conditions so that you take care of your finances. They are mortgage experts and have spent years helping customers like you with personalised impartial advisory services.
What are the advantages of Gibobs?
You will have access to the best market conditions - Gibobs years of experience negotiating with the main banks in Spain means that they know what is the best offer that you can obtain.
Much quicker than going from bank to bank - They negotiate for you with the banks: you will receive a huge variety of offers to find your mortgage in record time and without leaving your home.
They explain the small print and clarify all your doubts - Gibobs have spent years helping customers such as you to understand the conditions of the financial products so that they can decide which most suits them.
Your information will be protected and encrypted - You have the commitment that, unlike other companies that offer free services, they do not market your information.
They will provide you with personalised recommendations - They are not robots: your adviser will provide you with specific tips for you to help improve those aspects that concern you regarding your financial health.
100% impartial advise - Your mortgage adviser will help you to understand the financial system and to choose the mortgage that best adapts to you with total transparency and impartiality.
You can perform a follow-up in real time - You will have control over your transactions; you will be the one to decide which mortgage to take out and you can monitor the entire process in real time.
The price is clear from the beginning - Gibobs work in a 100% transparent way. Our services don´t cost anything for you at all
No last minute commissions
Start by running a free simulation of your mortgage, in which they will show you an estimate of the interest rates that they could get you. If, after carrying out the simulation of your mortgage, you decide to work with them to offer you a personalized advisory service to help you get those offers, you won´t have to make any kind of payment: neither before nor during nor after the operation.
Gibobs are committed to revolutionizing the financial system, therefore, as of November 24 (2021) They do not require the payment of a refundable deposit of € 50 to start working on your mortgage. Now, the services are free and they will not charge you anything for them.
So how is gibobs financed?
They pledge for a business model in which all parties win. But is that possible? Of course!
Gibobs customers - You have access to the financial services and tools necessary to improve your financial health and so you can obtain the best conditions for the financial products you need. You win.
Gibobs partners - A wide variety of prestigious companies in the financial and real estate sectors help us to offer you a quality service and share our business vision and our professional objectives. They win.
Gibobs - they negotiate with the banks for you and provide you with the best market offers for the financial product you need. And, if you decide to accept any of these offers, we will receive commission from the bank in question. We win.
WRC Is constantly growing its network with well established time efficient companys to offer you the best services after extensive market research to give you the best results for your requirements!